Holy Fire Reiki Blessings

We Freely Send You Reiki Blessings and Healing Facilitations to Use As Needed. May You Find The Peace You Seek. We are here to assist you as your guide in finding the peace, tranquility, and inner love that is accessible within your Beautiful, Divine Self!

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Choosing To Release All In The Name Of Personal Freedom

Having experienced in the past three months the deaths of both my elderly parents I was inspired to take a three week adventure to Scotland. This journey turned out to be the greatest transformation of my life! It did include mystical and magical experiences, but even greater than those was the inner transmutation of people and ideas that I previously had hung onto tightly! I have come to believe that an annual thorough house cleaning of my inner being and those I allow to remain in my life is crucial for me to continue on my pathway to personal freedom.

The outer isles of Scotland with her oceans and rivers provided the background for me to reach deeply into my soul’s prior journeys in order for my spirit to soar at its greatest elevations of change. It takes much courage to dive all the way to the bottom levels of one’s existence…to become willing to embrace completely the intentions and motivations of the past.

As I began recovering from feeling the pangs of loss of both my 94 year old parents leaving this earth a mere 27 days apart I simultaneously stepped into complete freedom of owning not only my true mission on this planet but also walked into the beginning stages of embracing my total personal power. This was the legacy my parents passed over to me , and I saw it clearly!

You may wonder how one gets to the place where willingness to release familiar faces and ideas can be not only faced but acted upon, especially at the same time of experiencing one of the greatest losses of a lifetime. Transformation has its price, but it also has its rewards.

As I was seeing outer situations of a leader of my country daily making accusations, exuding chaotic messages without taking into account or responsibility of his own personal errors; and, other well known powerful people’s once hidden transgressions being brought out from the dark shadows of secretive agendas and actions, I saw how necessary it was for me to journey into the depths of my shadow self , into hidden feelings of shame and guilt stemming from my youngest memories up to the present. Dearest reader, I will tell you I have done much inner work in my adulthood looking at my past with all its ramifications, but this deep housecleaning went into the cobwebs of the Hades of my awarenesses.

Being in a foreign land surrounded by extreme beauty with no familiar persons by my side I had no distractions and could dive deeply into the recesses and quicksand of my mental-emotional-spiritual consciousness. I knew I had to take complete responsibility for decisions, thoughts, and actions of my total life up to this point. And, take responsibility I did!

The Standing Stones of Callanish on the Isles of Lewis stood before me one day and I allowed , even through great surprise for an initiation of sort , to transcend me. I owned, embraced, and welcomed all parts of my being…the shadows, the light, the secrets I had even kept from myself…and arose into my freedom of transfiguration of the Seduction of My Soul!

In the midst of this life altering experience I walked away and released a person whom had served a role as an alternative teacher, a person who in the 12 years I had known her not once had acknowledged or recognized who I really was and had not once complimented me on the talents I was born with. Then another whom I had considered a friend since 2011 was revealed to me to be a mirror of all my shadows, and I released her from my circle of confidantes. Both of these people were greatly important to me at one time but in my transformation I saw how I had allowed them to treat me with the same disrespect I had been treating myself at times…times when I would dishonor, shame, and put myself down.

Being in gratitude for the awarenesses of people who were my great teachers, as I surrendered the need to have them in my life, I visually saw how I have come full circle from a scared child into a fully empowered Visionary Healing Facilitator dedicated to standing for the planet, for humanity, and for myself!

I am now free from all emotional, mental, spiritual anguish I ever carried. I am free to be present , compassionate, and joyous in this world as it is. I am free to give myself love and light equally as I offer it to others in a manner of equality instead of believing I needed to save anyone from their own pathway. No one needs saving. We each only need to love deeply , giving complete love to all aspects of ourselves and in turn sending that love out to all brothers and sisters…who are each part of us. May you find your own peace within as you muster your own courage to dive all the way into the depths of your beautiful souls.

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When Transformation Becomes the Ordinary Experience For Each Of Us!

I have been granted seeing through a new lens of perception over the past 11 months! It began for me right before the election of Donald J. Trump followed by my watching what seemed to be chaos and turmoil , as many people all over the world put on a cloak of fear and anger.

I watched as thousands of refugees all over the world were ostracized and turned away. I listened in anguish as young Afro-American males faced the highest rate of police killings in 2016. I was shocked to hear that an actor who portrayed a gentle, loving role model on television in the 1980’s was accused by a multitude of women of sexual assault . I observed social media turning into a frenzy of friends spouting hatred and anger toward each other as opposing beliefs and opinions spread like wildfire. I cried in despair to hear of mass killings all over the world as mentally ill and raging murderers obtained arsenals of weapons. In my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia I was overwhelmed with grief when a group of White Nationalists came into this peaceful town and inflicted violence and extreme racial prejudice. Then came a series of hurricanes and earthquakes affecting not only my country, but other parts of the world.

Other unforeseen incidents occurred that all together seemed like a horror movie unfolding daily. What possible good could be extracted from these scenes? I am here as a witness to the silver lining in spite of the surface insanity! I was given a new pair of glasses to view the world because I believed what I was observing was not what it appeared to be! The silver lining is this in a nutshell….that which was covered underneath decades of denial is now out in the open. Racial prejudice, gender bias, media exaggeration, hatred, and political greed is no longer hidden under a proverbial rock. We can thank the current government administration for being the dark force that has allowed the cracks of light to shine into every living room and into every heart .

In my perception I am grateful…not grateful for the deaths, for the harm, for the abuse of people and the planet …but grateful that the transformation of the majority of us walking around like ostriches with our heads stuck in sand have slowly yet continually awakened ! The transformation is an everyday event….it is becoming a common occurrence of an ordinary experience! We are living in an onslaught of miraculous events that stem from daily activities. The number of us who know without a doubt that no one is going to save us , not our government, not our ancestors, not our religions is increasing weekly. Like hearted people are embracing the fact that we can and are re-creating our world. We are remembering wise sages such as Gandhi telling us “Violence separates people, but the search for truth is a communal enterprise in which we have to work together” and Nelson Mandela who said :”It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

When we each see that each moment, each day, is filled with an opportunity to transmute and transform the usual routines into exciting and explosive magical events in our lives we will choose to rise above the fear, rise above the chaos, and embrace every 24 hours not as terrible situations, but as light filled templates of a new vision for a world we are creating together, and we will soar into peace-harmony- and contentment! Multitudes of visionaries are my friends, my comrades, my allies, and my tribe. We are not alone…we are growing in numbers because we are choosing to be the change we want to see in the world. Do not give up before the miracles you have only dreamed of become the only reality you and I see in our world!

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Embracing The Calm In A World of Chaos

I have been watching my world and yours deluged with horrific hurricanes, earthquakes, and politico anger in the past few years. It does seem humanity is sitting on the crux of possible extinction. People are grieving for the world we no longer have. Many people are expressing their thoughts through anger, rage, aggression, and violent actions. Bottom line is many are embracing fear that is fueled with the most progressive technological media we have experienced in our history. Social media posts often instead of providing peace and calm provide information that encourages emotional quicksand sandwiched in a blaming environment of depressive verbal diarrhea.

For the past twelve years I have been re-creating the person I previously was. My personal crisis coincided with the death of my partner and an equal death of a lifetime of codependent behavior. I had made choices and acted upon them freely, yet prior to my decision to live my life differently, I knew no other way to exist. I was an aggressive doormat, filled with anger and fear. Even though I practiced active spirituality, I was a vortex of intense emotions.

In 2013 I relinquished television watching. I cleared and detoxified my body of foods that were creating inflammation within my system. I created a discipline of physical exercise, quiet daily reflection, and stillness. I did not do these things because I am saintly or better than anyone else. I needed to create a new way to live because the old way was literally eating me into a young death. Above all I began practicing being very quiet. Being quiet brought calmness. Once I became quiet, I really noticed how noisy the world had become around me. I noticed people needing to talk without really saying anything other than needing to feed their egos. I noticed loud music, loud machines, louder expressions of anger and fears. Had I not gotten quiet I would have continued to be an equal contributor to the noisy chaos of the world.

I also began attracting a different type of people into my social circle. I was drawn to sensitive, calmer men. I released brash in your face, opinionated women from my life. I also noticed I was becoming kinder and more compassionate. Instead of speaking from my former intellectual , analytical self I was speaking from my heart. This is not to say that at times my old self complete with its shadow personality does not emerge from the depths of my ego because it does. When this happens, it is a giant red flag that I am once again in fear and angry over those things I really have no control over. That is the Cosmic Joke: what most of us have no control over are the very things that trigger our fears and are manifested in the form of anger, depression, frustration, and self righteous thoughts and actions.

Perhaps if we each really looked deeply into ourselves and made a conscious decision to find quiet times many times in each 24 hour period without the cell phone, without the television, without the computer, without social media ,without raising our voices to try to convince each other what great information, brain power we love to call our superior intellect , and I am right vs you are wrong opinions, we might discover we are the ones we have been waiting for…..the ones to save humanity from its self destruction of a downward chaotic spiral.

S-h-h-h-h Did you hear that? Ah that was quiet calmness breathing life back into myself. I welcome you to join the calm.

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Upcoming Usui-Holy Fire 2 Reiki Intro and Reiki 1/Reiki 2 Classes in Charlottesville, VA

Nov. 18, Saturday: FREE!!!!! Intro to Usui/Holy Fire II Reik interactive class: 1:00-3:00PM Love Offering facilitated by Reiki Master, Jennye Zeugner Johnson
In Charlottesville , Virginia
Location will be provided upon receipt of your intention to register:
Limited Space so pre register by sending email to:
[email protected] ****Attend this intro and receive a $30 discount for Certification Holy Fire II Reiki 1 &Reiki 2 classes offered weekend of Dec 2 and 3, 2017********

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We Each Just Want To Belong

We Each Just Want To Know We Belong

I live very close to Charlottesville, Virginia, the site of recent violence and confusion. In my personal life in the past six weeks both of my elderly parents have died within 28 days of each other! As a person who feel her feelings deeply, I have had to sort out to which event my feelings and emotions are attached. My intellectual side would like to have no attachments with the emotions to any of these events! My intuitive side , however, tells me I am being given a tremendous opportunity of the highest good!

I have listened and observed people all over the world discussing and dissecting what happened in my town, how it needs to be handled, what went right and what went wrong, and seen millions of fingers pointing the blame at others. I have also listened and observed friends and family who hear of how my parents died 28 days apart, and how hard it must be for my brothers and I to cope.

I attest and witness that all of these events have demanded I grieve. After the shock of all the experiences I have felt, I decided a few things. One, I made a commitment to myself that whenever a feeling…no matter what it was…came up, that I would feel it all the way through, not allowing anything to distract me from that intention. There may be positive distractions such as writing, talking with friends, support groups, exercise, etc. but I know myself pretty well, and know I can let even positive things distract me. Two, I noticed that I need to know where I belong in my little world. Do I belong with those who want to place blame on the reason bad things happen? Do I belong with those who feed on fear and anger? Do I belong with those who believe in an eye for an eye, a punch for a punch? Do I belong with those who live with a compassionate heart? Thirdly, I am very sure I have to get gut level and rigorously honest with myself. I have to see the truth about where I have bias, prejudices, and dark shadowy aspects. We all have prejudices! For change to happen it has first to begin with me. I have to look at my stuff before I can effectively look at yours! You have to look at you first before you look at anyone else. I am sure of this!

People who claim they hate another for the color of their skin, sexual orientation, gender, beliefs, political affiliation, or spiritual/religious ideas can scare me at first. When I slow down, pause, and apply human understanding, I just might see that each and everyone of us only wants to know we belong and have a place in this Universe. We at some point quit listening to each other like we used to. Some of us never listened at all for we just wanted to hear our big, loud ego talk talk talk. Some of us live with the mantra: I am right, you are wrong and I am going to prove it to you! Then some of us take it further and if you do not listen to me while I am trying to prove how right I am, I will become a bully and may even inflict physical-mental-emotional pain on you if I think you do not hear me! Maybe we quit listening because we were too wrapped up in staring at a cell phone, surfing the internet, playing games, or other distractions that came with the age of progressive technology!

My silver lining is I have really began listening …listening to why people in Charlottesville and the rest of the world are angry and scared….listening to how my two brothers and other family feel about the losses of two 94 year old people who were part of our lives for a very long time….listening to how people just want to know they fit into a group, into a social setting, into somewhere where they are heard-accepted-treated with kindness! I am even listening to myself!

I am listening to how kind I am willing to be. I am listening to the words I use with others. I am listening to how often I am willing just to look for opportunities to be of service to my fellow brothers and sisters. I am listening to my pain. I am listening to my joy. I am listening to see if just maybe I can see a young person who feels they are not loved, accepted, or do not fit in anywhere….and reach out to them to show them someone really cares before they go join a group of violent haters who claim to care about them.

We really have an opportunity. We really, if we are willing ,can look at our own defective traits and work diligently on being the best example of US that we can be before jumping on our proverbial bulldozers and harming another. We really can be kind to another who disagrees with us. We really can listen to the thinking and ideas of another who believes the opposite way of us. We really can walk a mile in the moccasins of our fellow brother and sister. Is it too late to create a better world? I believe together we can do what we could never do alone.

Are you listening?

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Changing Relationships

“Don’t say the relationship is over. Say it is complete. Some relationships are not meant to last forever.” (The Life Coach School)

      There are multiple reasons relationships change. One person moves…another gets busy with added life responsibilities….someone miscommunicates or misperceives what they thought another said….a boundary is crossed one too many times…one person reacts and cannot get past the hurt…..or it is simply a completion and time to move on!

Change  Is An Opportunity To Grow
Reflecting on friendship relationships, I can think of three people who come and go out of my life. At times we have chosen to talk daily or at least weekly. Then suddenly each of these three  people disappear without explanation. I could analyze why, take their inventory, or simply let it go. I have allowed them to come/go in and out of my life more than a few times.
     I am not sure if it is because I am an aloof Aquarian, or if I had no expectations of any of these people, or if I simply am willing to live in the present with or without them. Each time they seem to drop off the face of my existing life, I notice it but do not really dwell on it. I somehow have learned to let go of any attachment I may have had with them. They appear , when present, to support me and I seem to accept that at the times when they are present they actually do care about me. When they choose to vacate I do not have emotions attached to their decision to do so! It is such a freedom, and I am grateful that these three people offer me the option to enter yet another rung of my ladder of opportunities to grow.
     The most wondrous aspect of these opportunities is that I am afforded the information to see where I have come from. The old me had issues with fear of abandonment, thinking if someone left, it was something I did to cause it. Now I am consciously aware that when a relationship changes, it is for the best, and only a part of the ebb and flow of my life. The gift of being able to let go with grace makes my heart sing!
  Reflecting on how my inner transformations and changes continue, even at those times when the Little Fear Girl that does still live within me questions if I am on the right Path, I know I owe the solutions I have today come from my Spiritual Practices  of nurturing  myself with Reiki,,grounding in Nature,  my personal connection with my Creator, and my openness to welcoming new and old methods of incorporating modalities of mind-body-spirit. I assure you I, as you, am a work in progress……and there is no doubt the best is yet to come!!!!
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Inner Transformation Journey

Inner Transformation Journey

by jaguarwind

You begin to view the world from an inner place when you have walked through a transformation of such a magnitude as if you are viewing life from the perception of the caterpillar as it emerges into a butterfly…you witness those who point fingers in judgment and who may make up accusations that they believe to be true…while you smile inwardly knowing the truth and knowing the other is only speaking out of their confusion and pain, stuck in their self imposed quicksand. The words and actions that at one time would have stung deeply are simply brushed off your skin and shed . Your peaceful spirit keeps walking your walk as you welcome new experiences and new faces. There is not even a need to surrender.Such is the gift of transformation.

In my journey of traveling my feet have touched cobblestone streets, ancient pathways, and fairy enchanted meadows. Journeying alone often fosters intimate conversations with seemingly strangers whose heart rendering stories create memories that all parties will hold dearly for passing times between the speaker and the listener. Sharing what was the turning point in our respective lives, we feel a gentle tear roll down the cheek of each of us. Smiling with each other, we go our separate ways, grateful for the communing of a brief, but sacred relationship.

Transformations cannot be planned or even expected. As I entered an English Cathedral I was overtaken by the silence of the multitudes of those already present. Without speaking we share the sanctity of stained glass windows, wooden pews, and unlit candles awaiting unspoken and unthought prayers. Reverence fills my changing heart as I am transported back to my future of Divine Grace filling wants and needs I was not even aware of asking. Gentle inner tears saturate my soul as I am moved to offer eye contact with the others gathered in this place.

As I open the heavy wooden door rays of sunlight pierce my vision and I know I have been lifted to another realm of peaceful existence. I notice nothing I thought before leaving my home to undertake this journey really matters now. No need to figure out a plan or to set goals to achieve success . Hurtful words spoken to me by a friend the day before my departure for this journey are irrelevant and meaningless to me now. I embrace my transformation and wear it like a loose garment around my shoulders. I have arrived to wherever this here is,  and will forever be part of the metamorphosis of the creature I have now become.

Transformations of my life…there have been many. This one, however, is gentle and soft . I walk towards a bakery lured by the seductive smell of freshly made pastries and fall into a sweet slow pace as my feet seem to float forward. I smile knowing I will never return to the who that I was, unsure of the who I have become. Really it does not matter for all I need is the unraveling of the melody of my Heart-Strings being played out as I enter the bakery. What would I like asks the clerk as I point to a cheese filled strudel. My inner child giggles at me as I welcome the warm taste on my palate. Transformations come in many forms. I will relish this one for a long while.

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Kindness Matters

Traveling is indeed an opportunity for adventure! It is  my personal vision to spread a positive attitude peppered with kindness everywhere I go! I hear many people speak of the terrible world our planet has become…of the prejudices, biases, acts of terror and  assault. I know today’s world does contain this side to it. I also know there is another aspect of the world I know, and when I am traveling I get to not only experience the other side but I also have a choice of what I want to contribute!

When I am in my familiar setting of the place I call “home” I observe how people treat me and how I, in turn, treat others; however, when off on a traveling adventure I notice even more the behaviors of others and myself. It has become crystal clear to me that I teach people how to treat me, and it is my perceptions that create what I “SEE” in the world. 

On a daily basis I have a choice to focus on the positive…or to focus on the negative. When traveling I see fellow travelers as the composite of the creation of the story I want to experience. I can open my heart in a compassionate way to fellow drivers, people at the gas stations and stores, fellow foodies in restaurants, as well as all the workers who make up places I go in my travels. The other choice I have is to go through the world as an egotistical, controlling, rude traveler..believing all is about me and my current agenda. I have also in my life been this person. However, over the years awakenings have gently and not so gently rocked me into the belief that what I give out I receive back. Some call this karma. Some call it what goes around, comes around. Even some call it fate. There are people who believe that opening mouth and inserting foot, not pausing before pushing the send button on an email or a post on social media…is their right. And…of course it probably is! However, what we give out will return to us …maybe not in the same time frame…but eventually we will receive the kindness or the  rudeness that we have given out. 

I practice intentional living. Each day before I enter the world, before I pick up the phone, before I send an email or post a comment, before I leave my current lodging, I set the intention I wish to send out. This day I am making the intention to give kindness wherever I go…NO MATTER WHAT. I am hoping it will catch on. What a concept! Part of this idea is to check in with myself before inflicting any of my stuff on anyone else! If I make this choice daily during the times I may feel fearful, angry, frustrated, confused, etc. I can reach into my cosmic bag of tools and do something to either eliminate or decrease the feeling . Why would I do that?????? Only I would do that because my intention is to send out kindness. It is easier to be kind when I am not a bundle of some negative emotion. I am not perfect at this plan. I sometimes forget but know I get to start my day over once I remember I am not practicing my intentions! 

A few days ago I met a friend for a couple of days in Northern Florida. While we were together in different places  the opportunity arose to give kindness to several people….waiters, hostesses, clerks in stores. This friend and I both set intentions. We did not discuss what we were doing. We simply both freely gave the gift of kindness to others who crossed our paths. It takes practice to do this. It takes making a choice. I have noticed the more I practice setting positive intentions, the more prosperity…the more loving smiles and actions…the more at peace I have become. Does this mean everyone will exude kindness to me? No it does not. It does mean that if one of those fearful, angry people exudes meanness and disrespect, I still have a choice to respond with kindness and tolerance . 

On this day as I prepare to walk on the beach I am going to intentionally pay attention for opportunities to be just a little kinder, just a little more loving, and to practice walking a mile in someone else’s moccasins because it is not all about me and whatever plan or agenda I have for this day. We are in this world together, and I know I cannot change the world, but I can do my part as a traveler and fellow human being to be kinder. I love the vision of peaceful traveling!

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The Legacy I Want To Leave Behind

“We all die. The goal is not to live forever. The goal is to leave something that will.” (Chuck Palahniuk, Journalist)
I have been reflecting lately on my attitudes and actions I show those whose pathways cross mine, and asking myself what is it that is important to me to leave behind and what I would like to be remembered for.

I invite you to join me as we continue on our respective journeys toward authenticity this week as we each reflect upon who we really are, what we are showing the world , and how do we want to be remembered. Because I believe actions speak louder than words, I am choosing to look upon my life, and the effect I have and want to have upon others in my little world. If you were to leave this world tonight, what is the legacy you would leave behind based upon your life thus far; and, is this the legacy you are proud of?

How I will be remembered will be determined by how I co-exist in the world, and by how I treat others. To determine how I am doing in this endeavor, I came up with 5 questions I am asking myself.
1. Do I practice love and compassion with friends, family, as well as strangers?
2. Do I allow myself to be vulnerable, allowing the real me to be seen in those relationships I tell myself are meaningful to me?
3. Do I put service to humankind first and before a need to brag about my accomplishments and wisdom, to be a name or place dropper or to glorify my “great deeds” ? For me I voice that service first is a priority, so it is crucial I assess if that is what I am actually attempting to do!
4. Do I give time and energy to familiar people as well as unfamiliar ones by reaching out to help another with no desire or egoic need to be recognized for my giving ? In other words, if someone needs 5-20 minutes of my time, am I willing to give up a priority I have in my busy day to reach out to another without needing a pat on my proverbial back for doing so?
5. Do I really listen to what others are saying and not interrupt to offer advice or suggestions that is not asked for? Do I stop my brain from judging what the person is saying, and only listen to their feelings and opinions?
By getting gut level honest in looking at what I want to be remembered for, and checking in with myself to see if I am acting out of my truth and authenticity, I can choose to continue life as I have been living it …or I can choose to alter my day to day actions, and try to improve on a daily basis just a wee bit.

Does your current life measure up to the legacy you wish to leave behind or does it, as I have discovered in myself….need tweaking and some setting of new daily intentions to be more of the best “ME” I can be?

Walking Beside You On The Journey,

Written by Heart Vibrations Healing/Jennye Johnson 10-7-2016

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