I know many people who would never dream of leaving their home town, the home that holds all their belongings, or the place they have resided for a very long time.

As the holidays are approaching, my thoughts return to the home of my childhood, those life long memories with my family of origin. Those home connections will never disappear from my mind, but no longer do they define my true home .

I currently refer to home as my sanctuary , a cottage surrounded by acres of woods, wildlife, and a brook nestled in a rural area of Virginia.

For many emotional attachments of friends, familiar community, former places of education, spiritual organizations, art, or music related buildings define home.

My authentic home is located deep within my heart, the place I experience safety, security, peace of mind, and a harmonic welcoming of a genuine soul connection. Home is also being with that handful of people who truly recognize who I am without expectations or judgements.

When I and maybe each of us know within the sacred center of ourselves where and what home really is, we never have to mourn, desire, or search for this missing piece of our existence. Home is closer than our breath!

Welcome home, my friend! I congratulate all of us when we discover we never left home. It was within each of us all along! All we had to do was to embrace it in the present moment.

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